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Terms and conditions


We appreciate the access, visit, use, consultation, or visualization of our website. Please ensure that you carefully read the Terms and Conditions presented on this page, as well as our Privacy Policy, which can be found here.

Accessing, visiting, using, consulting, or viewing our website means that you have read, understood and accepted the rules set out in our Terms and Conditions, without the need for any subsequent act or consent.

Our Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time, by the free decision of the company that owns this domain, considering that the changes take effect from the date of their placement on the website and availability on-line. The subsequent access, visit, use, consultation, or visualization are unmistakable signs that the user has read, understood and accepted the respective content.

The use of the terms "we", "our", "company that owns this domain" refers to the company "Vegastrade- Comércio de Perfumaria e Bijuteria Limitada"; the use of the terms "user", "you", "yours" or "subscriber" refers to anyone who accesses, visits, uses, consult or view this website.

Information, use and risk

Without prejudice to assuming our best efforts to ensure the accuracy, integrity and appropriateness of all the information on this website, we expressly and for all legal purposes decline any responsibility if the same information is not accurate, complete or adequate.

Neither the company that owns this domain, nor any subsidiary, agency or company in a group or domain relationship, nor any other party involved in the creation, production, maintenance or inspection of this website can be held responsible for any damages or damages in responsibility, of any kind, genre or effect, arising as a result of correct or incorrect use of the website and its contents, including communications on an electronic platform or by email.

Despite the best efforts of the company that owns this domain, and the best offices in the area of ​​computer risk prevention are put into practice at all times, the same company that owns this domain does not declare nor guarantee that this website or the files available or shared here are free of viruses, worms, trojans, scripts or any other electronic formats that contain properties of malware, spyware or destructive or harmful to your receiver.

The company that owns this domain does not assume any responsibility, of any kind or effect, for the losses or damages suffered as a result of viruses that may affect the computer or any other equipment through which the user, subscriber or viewer has accessed our website, arising from your consultation, use or download of content. File download operations from our website, when allowed, are acts of the sole responsibility of the subscriber, user or viewer of this page, through which he acts at his own risk.

Any modification that is carried out or simply attempted by the subscriber, user or viewer of our website, will be the sole responsibility, account and risk of said subscriber, user or viewer, being, therefore, also responsible, before the company that owns this domain or before third parties, for all damages and losses, current or future, certain or uncertain, civil, commercial, disciplinary, tax, administrative or criminal, arising from such conduct.

The information on this site should be viewed as informative. Despite all the best efforts of the company that owns this domain, this information may contain errors, lapses, omissions, inaccuracies, typographical errors or outdated. The company that owns this domain is not required to provide further information on these risks. Likewise, the decision-making by users, subscribers or viewers of our website must take due account of the risks thus stated.


Our website is made available with the content currently contained therein. The company that owns this domain does not assume or provide any guarantees (of any kind, including those implied by commerciality or satisfaction) that this website is complete, reliable, uninterrupted, or error-free.

It is possible that in some jurisdictions, disclaimers are different from those specified in these Terms and Conditions. In this sense, it is advisable to consult the applicable local legislation.

The company that owns this domain reserves the right, without notice or prior information, to suspend or cancel this website or parts of it, or any of its functionalities incorporated in this page, in case of serious and justified risk to your commercial interests or to one or more of your users, subscribers or viewers.

Links to other websites

On this web page, you can find access links to other websites, both those that are unrelated, and others that may belong to the company that owns this domain. It is expressly stated that no responsibility is accepted for the content, credibility, accuracy, straightness, usefulness, or functionality of websites belonging to third parties. The access, from this web page, to other web pages that belong to the company that owns this domain, using the links provided here, follows the same effects and regime of these Terms and Conditions.

These links are made available in good faith and in the belief that this is useful to the commercial interests of our subscribers, users, or viewers. If this does not happen, the company that owns this domain does not assume or render any responsibility, of any kind or effect. We recommend that the Terms and Conditions of the web pages consulted are carefully read.

The company that owns this domain cannot be held responsible for changes occurring on the web pages linked via the links on this page.


With the maximum possible amplitude, admitted by the Constitution and by the applicable laws, the subscriber, user or viewer of this website expressly declares to renounce the presentation of actions, petitions or complaints against the company that owns this domain, as well as against its administrators, managers, directors, employees, suppliers or programmers, which may result from the use or access to this web page.


Any activities that are considered by the company that owns this domain to be inappropriate, illegal or susceptible to, in any way, jeopardize or risk compliance with laws, rules, principles, good customs and ethical and moral standards that are judged are expressly prohibited. essential and insurmountable. In particular, and among others, conducts that may materialize in acts of defamation, slander or injury to the company that owns this domain, as well as to its administrators, managers, directors, employees, suppliers or programmers, will not be admitted.

Likewise, any conduct that constitutes acts of defamation, slander or injury to any other subscribers, users or viewers of this website will be promptly rejected, or that, in any way, may constitute an attack on the good name and commercial reputation and of these entities or individuals or legal entities.

Likewise, any conduct that constitutes a racist, xenophobic, obscene, threatening attack or that, in any way, violates the rights, freedoms and guarantees recognized in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic and in the other legislation on, will be promptly prohibited and eliminated from our website. school subjects.

Any acts of uploading, to this website, files containing unauthorized content or viruses that may cause damage to the company that owns this domain, including its security systems, will also be considered prohibited.

Coverage, analysis, and news

The company that owns this domain reserves the right to publish on this website any news produced by external entities, public or private, which are intended to cover, analyze and quote this company, as well as related acts, with this company, any of your administrators, managers, employees, employees or programmers.

The information contained in this news is the sole responsibility of the person who produced it, including their opinions, recommendations, or conclusions.

Subscribers, users, or viewers of this website must not base their investment decisions on the information that is thus made available.

Copyright and intellectual property

All data, trademarks and all content in general on this website are the property and exclusive use of the company that owns this domain and is protected under the general terms of the law and by national and international legislation on intellectual property protection. Therefore, modifications, limitations, loans, rentals, transmissions, or sales of any content on this site are prohibited.

All texts, images, illustrations, photographs, catalogs, descriptions, advertisements and trademarks are reserved rights and are protected by law, and any copy, reproduction, dissemination, transmission, use, modification or sale of their use is expressly prohibited, whatever the medium used.

The viewing and navigation of our website is authorized, provided that copyright and other intellectual rights are respected.

No content on our website can be interpreted as a license, authorization or right to use any trademark mentioned herein.

The right to quote is free, if the source or origin is properly identified.

The company that owns this domain warns that it will use all legal means to protect its copyright.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions must be read and interpreted in accordance with Portuguese law. All cases of omission must be remedied using Portuguese law. Disputes arising from the interpretation and application of these Terms and Conditions must be judged by Portuguese law, with the Braga District Court having jurisdiction.


Conditions for exercising the right of free withdrawal

The Customer has the right to return the purchased products, without giving a reason, within 15 days after the invoice date to our facilities. The Customer can choose between product replacement, credit note or refund of the invoice amount, less shipping costs. In case of replacement of products, the Customer will have to bear the additional shipping costs, caused by resending the products. To exercise the right of free resolution, the customer must use the "Return Note" form fully completed via e-mail or if he is proceeding to return an item already received, he must accompany the returned products.

* Prices shown include VAT and shipping costs..
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